how old i am

Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers <>

Friday, 25 April 2014


i thought people would understand.
i thought he would understand.
how much i hate my past.
how much i hate being me in the past.
i thought he would understand.
why is it so hard to be a better person.
why is it so hard,
if only he could see how much i respects him.
if only he knows,
how much he means to me.
how much i've been telling people good things in him.
how much i want him.
how much i need him.
how much i compared everyone to him.
how much im proud having him.
how i never treat any other, like i did to him.
how much i love him.
if only he knows.

i never ask anything in return.
except for loving me back and accept me and my past.
is it so hard.
am i that bad?
i hate myself.
why can i never be good enough?
why can i never be strong enough?
why can i never be patient enough?

truly 200%
i still want this, want us, want u.
and im gonna stay as long as you need,
i promise im gonna improve better,
remember how much we want to be successfull in future.
we both, together.
im gonna be better.
be strong zunita.
this just a small matter.
be patient.
Allah there to coax you.
alhamdulillah :)

Friday, 21 March 2014


 things i learn today.

not all the things that you wanted you will get it.
not all people you liked, will like you back.
sometimes the things you never expect is the the things you will need the most.
love isnt about you will owns it, its about how you feel and you enjoyed it.
life will keep hurting you, but its doesnt care if you're good in thinking positive about everything that happen.
lie will satisfied in short term not in long term, so do not lie.
honesty is the best policy.
be thankful for everything.
Allah will always be there. for sure.
make Allah your number 1, then you'll never be the last.
love is a something undescribeable.
remembering Allah is ultimate remedy for broken heart.
lastly, i cant spend the day without hearing his voice (beside my family)
thanks to Allah.

sayang buat semua.

Thursday, 20 March 2014


seeing your face today is a gift, like seriously.
im thankful to Allah.
and i hope Allah give a surprise for me everyday
a gift. You
 giving me another day to watch your face,
your smile,
your laugh,
hear your voice,
and another chance that i can say i love you
over and over again.
and tonight i fall asleep in hope another day im gonna be able to see you again.
forever will be.

i love you :*

sayang buat semua.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014


i cant barely remember when were we had our last conversations.
the truth is i've been missing you a lot. like alottt.
but until this night i've got the strength to write this thing.
dear ein,
i still remember how we used to had our long conversation in my house on the couch.
hahaha, our conversation was nothing but laughing at nonsense thing.
you've said ' kita kalau jumpa bukan sembang sgt pun, tgok muka pun dah puas'
hahah, at that point i wasnt agreed much, but some point it is true.
i mean, i miss seeing your smile, hearing your laugh, singing in the car while you're driving.
do you remember how u always ask me to go to take the license, cuz u're tired driving. hahaha poor you.
i guess we had spent a lot of our time on the couch at my house and in the car rather than in the park or somewhere else.
i still remember, that you've once said to me, 'kita ni kalau hg laki aku pompuan, aku rasa kita kawen dah, sebab tkdak sapa boleh faham aku mcm mana aku faham hg n hg faham aku'
hahaha, that was so true.
and do u still remember how we used to pleased each other if we had nothing that other people have.
although sometimes the words that we used, is nonsense, but it did make us feel happy and thankful.
dear ein, u still remember how quiet we've been in the car after we go to Aliaa walimatul urus.
at that time we kept saying she is so young, cant believe it, but the truth in our heart we wanna get married too.
hahaha , do u still remember that?
how i used to be ur shoulder when u cry,
your unpayable psychologist,
your sister,
your boyfriend,
the one who knew ur flaws and still loving you unconditionally
and dear erin,
you are the only one in the world who knows my secret jokes just by using eye contact.
the one who always scold me if i wanna buy everytime we stops at the petrol station.
u are the most loving-strict-friend of mine, irreplaceable
i wrote this tonight because i miss you so much.

i didnt knew how it started,
but we stop talking, texting, chatting each other anymore.
we act like we never knew each other,
the truth is, its hurting me.
i kept thinking, what went wrongs?
where are you.
i know, deep inside ur heart u know, u will never found another like us.
if i did a mistakes, tell me. i miss being ur besfriend. i miss you zaireen. there is no one that could ever make me laugh, n understand me like u did.
i miss being closed like before.

dear ein,
i love you so much, and hoping nothing that whatever you do, it will make you happy.
remember one things, i will always be there for you, like before.
please take a good care of yourself.
dont being too nice and let people step on you.
if they did, just tell me. you know what will i do rite?
hehe :')
i love you n i miss you so muchhhh kawan dunia akhirat.
sayang buat semua :)

p/s: if you're reading this choose ' the a team by ed sheeran' it gives more feelings to its :)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

kalau benar

Ya Rabb,
kalau benar ini buatku.
kalau benar ini yg kau tuliskan buat aku.
kalau benar ini yg terbaik utk aku.
kalau benar ini yg kau rencanakan.

maka permudahkanlah segalanya.
Ameen yaRabb :)

sayang buat semua.
assalamualaikum :)

Sunday, 23 February 2014

2 ayat yg selalu buat aku rasa 'always fine'

kalau kau dapat kesenangan kat dunia ni, nikmatilah. sebab ia cuma sementara.
kalau kau dapat kesulitan kat dunia ni. sabarlah. sebab ia ta kekal lama.

Monday, 17 February 2014


i.57 am. isnin. 17/2

malam yg tak berapa nk produktif.
malam ni aku cuba jadi lebih memahami.
cuba jadi lebih matang.
cuba untuk tahan segala rasa yg tak baik.

tutup mata.
tutup muka.
tumpu pada minda.
bernafas dengan lebih sempurna.

tidur aku malam ni.
dengan harapan esok akan jadi lagi baik.

sabar zunita sabar.
banyak ganjaran bg org yg sabar.
semoga suatu hari nanti
kau akan rasa puas hati dapat apa yg selama ni kau sabar untuk dapatkan.
sabar itu adalah kemanisan iman.

selamat malam
sayang buat semua.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

aku harap

aku harap walau jauh mana pun kaki kau melangkah,
walau tinggi manapun kau terbang,
walau dalam mana pun kau selam,

cuma satu yg aku harap.
jangan lupakan Dia.

jangan lupakan aku.
aku kat sini selalu tunggu.
aku nak kau tahu tu.

sayang buat semua.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

pesanan ringkas lagi khas.

buat bakal imamku.
persiapkan dirimu agar kelak bisa menjadi pembimbingku.

buat bakal imamku,
tetapkan selalu dirimu ke jalanNya, agar kelak bisa menjadi nakhodaku.

buat bakal imamku,
doakan selalu aku istiqamah dalam menunaikan ibadah agar aku bisa setandingmu.

buat bakal imamku,
jadikan aku kelak bidadari untukmu kelak di syurga Allah.

buat bakal imamku,
hanya satu pesanku,
jaga dirimu selalu.
Allah jgn lupakan, agar kelak Dia tak lupakan kita.

buat bakal imamku,
cintailah aku kerana Allah :)

buat bakal imamku,
inshaaAllah, aku tunggu hadirmu.


Tuesday, 11 February 2014


1.57 am selasa.

mata sememangnya masih belum lelap.
entah kenapa.
barangkali tidur lebih tengahari td.
kenapa susah sgt nak berubah?
benda ni asyik ja dalam otak aku.
tak berganjak dan masih berlegar2.
azam 2014 masih belum 1 pun ditunaikan.
ya Allah.
kelas masih malas nak pergi macam selalu.
solat pun masih berlompang.
aurat pun belum tutup dengan sempurna.
ya Allah, kuatnya Qarin dalam diri ni.
bila fikir mati baru tahu takut.
agaknya bila mampu jadi yg dibanggakn ibu bapa.
fikir2, mak abah byk berkorban utk aku.
dah tiba masa utk aku banggakan mak n abah pulak.

so tekad harini,
aku nk berubah.
pergi kelas selalu, jangan ponteng (termasuk jgn lewat) inshaaAllah.
lepas solat subuh tknak tido, sambung study. inshaaAllah.
solat kasi full + on time. inshaaAllah
tutup aurat dengan lebih sempurna. inshaaAllah.

ya Allah.
kuatkan aku imanku,
berikan aku selalu hidayah,
ampuni dosaku, ibubapaku, ahli keluargaku, sahabatku, bakal imamku, serta peliharalah saudara seislamku disana.
ameen :)

Saturday, 11 January 2014

whats a soulmate

                                          whats a soulmate?
its like bestfriends but more.
its the one person in the worlds who knows you better than anyone else.
that someone who makes you are better person.
no, actually they dont make you are better person.
you do that by yourself because they inspires you.
a soulmate is someone you carry with you forver.
its one person who knew you, accepted you and believe in you before anyone else did or when no one else would.
and no matter what happens, you will always love them and nothings could ever change that.

                                                                                                    - Dawson's Creek

                                          whats a soulmate?
someone who is shorter than you.
can be a lil bit annoying sometimes.
can make you smile without a reason.
someone who will never you get bored with.
someone who loves you with your flaws, and never get tired, bored or giving up on you.
someone who start with M
someone that have been named as mohammad ma'ruf :)
my soulmate. soon

                                                                                                     - Zunita Zainol

a brand new world. ME

hi again. its been an ages since my last updates.
i guess for a sem equal to 6 month. hahaha
btw its a brand new me, a little stronger, happier, softer, fatter, uglier, independence, funnier.
by definition of stronger, i rarely crying to the thing i cant get, instead of giving more effort on it.
by definition of happier, im thankful cuz Allah has given me this great family, friends and boyfriend.
by definition of softer, im now learning to becoming more girlish as mak always told me so. hahaha
by definition of fatter, i cant stop eating late night, idk whyyy. and atomatically increasing my fat percentage.
by definition of uglier, yes im becoming ugly day by day because im getting fat day by day.
by definition on independence, im rarely depends on others to do things for me anymore.
by definition of funnier, i love making jokes more. hahaha
i would to say thanks to;
because have given me a great family, and awesomessss bestfriends and a understanding boyfriend.
abah and mak,
because being so loving and patiently raising a most-problematic-daughter. im gonna make you proud someday. inshaaAllah. i love you
awesome besfriends,
because being my loyal listener and non-payable advisor and always be by my side to go through all the cirmcumstances. i love you
my boyfriend,*mohammad ma'ruf
because accepting me the way i am and showing wherean what im wronged and helping me changing myself to be a better person. i kept praying that we gonna be legal for each other. soon, inshaaAllah and i love you.
assalamualaikum, sayang buat semua. bye :)